Project results
CODE project aims at fostering the inclusion of people with disabilities by granting them access to financial services. It will do so by providing an innovative training course that will follow UDL principles, integrated with an inclusive Platform and supported by a finance management App. The digital tools foreseen, namely the inclusive app and platform, including the most updated and recent assistive technologies, will contribute to the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity of VET, with a particular attention to underrepresented groups, such as individuals with disabilities. To have an impact on economic operators, the partnership will also develop guidelines for accessibility of financial services and of the workplace.
CODE project is designed to meet the needs of both partnership and target groups. CODE partnership identified the delivery of a training course integrated with an inclusive Platform and accompanied by a finance management App so that anyone, regardless of location, financial and physical possibilities, can participate. Moreover, relevant stakeholders will be supported with guidelines for the accessibility of the workplace and of financial services.
The objectives set and the results we want to create are perfectly in line with the priorities selected: the material produced will increase access to financial services for people with disabilities, and therefore their inclusion in society. To do so, besides digital training material tailored for their needs, we will also create tools to make the environment more accessible and grant complete support for the independent living of persons with disabilities, such as guidelines for SMEs and financial institutions. This, together will the implementation of the UDL approach, will eventually contribute to the innovation of vocational education and training.